I have so many things that I want to record here on this blog and I just haven't made the time. I couldn't let this day pass without posting though. I have so much gratitude for such beautiful people in my life right now. It has been a journey of learning what love truly is and then to truly love that way. I feel I still have a long road ahead but I get snippets here and there. It makes my journey a little easier because I have the most gracious and loving friends. I have an awesome support system. In the past I would have said I count myself "lucky" to have them. My mindset is changing though. I think it is no coincidence. I think they were perfectly placed into my life at this time. Some I have known for years, others are new friendships, but everyone meant to be and perfectly there. I feel so much gratitude for the love these people have showered on me and for the love of those that hardly know me that have done the same! My Gratitude seems to turn into my Joy! And Joy is pure awesomeness! :)