Sunday, July 7, 2013

2nd chance

I have found that I can never take myself too seriously. Being able to laugh at myself has been a big part in finding peace.

The past year has been a journey, a roller coaster of ups and downs. Of gut wrenching tears and tears of joy. I think I probably felt every emotion at heightened levels and also a numbness of days slipping into weeks into months. And then one day I woke up and said I am fine. I'm fine. And if I feel sad one day, one hour, one minute. That's okay. I learned to acknowledge my feelings but not dwell on them and I found it was a miracle for me. I enjoyed opportunities that came my way and found comfort in an empty home. I let go of fear and knew that I was completely capable of taking care of myself & my children. Things always work out. They always have in some way. I took comfort in that. And whether it was grace or something else, I found peace with my situation. 
So I found it completely ironic when my husband brought up reconciliation. This man I have loved & been so frustrated with I swear I could toss him across a room. And I laugh a million little giggles because life always has a way of keeping me on my toes.
So what do I do with this second chance? I considered not taking it but my how children can change everything you ever thought you'd hold true to.
We have this opportunity to be great together. I believe we can. I never thought we couldn't. Can we, can I seize the opportunity? Or will we just fall back into old patterns.
So now again I start another journey. And believe I'm perfectly where I am supposed to be. I hope to take the things I have learned & apply them. And at the end of the day I still always believe that love wins.

"At the end of our lives, looking back, what will most matter will be the moments of loving presence in our relationships.” 

        Tara Brach

Friday, June 7, 2013

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


I'm starting to see that life is perfectly the way it's supposed to be. This life is for my experience & learning. It isn't always easy, it doesn't always make me smile but often lately I have to chuckle at how things unfold. The whole "when one door closes another one opens" type thing. There are no accidents, everything is happening for a reason & most certainly I'm learning from all of my experiences. Life is for learning & that is exciting.
So the good & the bad is all perfectly perfect! ;-)

Friday, May 3, 2013

Which Wolf?

Any thoughts on this? I know living life from our heart space is a great way to go & I am certain full of peace. Does the fear wolf keep us in check? Can we always feed the love wolf?

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Bottom Line.....Love yourself.

Do you "get it", that you truly do need to love yourself in order to love someone else?
I didn't for a long time.  But now I do.
Sit with it.  Come from your heart space.  See what you find.  Let me know your thoughts. :)
Love and Light!

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Been a little down lately, heard this song come up on Pandora and it was a little freaky how much I could relate to it.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

What is Love?

So as I've been walking down the path of my life I've begun to contemplate the question, What is Love?  I have obviously fallen short on many levels or I wouldn't be where I am today.  But that is life, an on going process of learning!  I think I have gotten it right on many levels too.  And I think the most beautiful part of my latest journey is being forced to stare it right in the face.  I am so completely not perfect and I am so completely okay with that.  I think I am doing the best I can in the moment.  Some moments I am so much stronger and kinder and more loving and other moments I fall way short.  This is where I have to be kind to myself so I don't slow my progress.

So Wikipedia says this of love:
Love is an emotion of a strong affection and personal attachment.[1] Love is also said to be a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection —"the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another".[2] Love may describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans, one's self or animals.

I also just heard it put like this,

Love is a verb.  It's not a feeling you get from another PERSON; it's an experience you receive as a result of DEEDS YOU DO for another person.  -Mort Fertel

Wow, you know I already knew this but for whatever reason it hit me hard seeing it written down.  I had a friend who passed away when I was in college.  He was one of those old souls, who seemed to really have a clue about life.  On the back of the program for his funeral was a quote by him that said, The keys to life are service and love.
Perhaps service and love are the same thing?
So now the question is how to put LOVE into action?
How to fall off the selfish band wagon and serve those I love?
Will someone please just push me off that wagon? ;)